In this episode of Collective Conversations, we sit down with Barbara Savona of Sprout Marketing to discuss a wide range of Multifamily topics!
Steve Wunch — with more than 20 years as a dedicated Multifamily professional facilitator in the arenas of Leadership; Sales and Customer Service and Technical
It’s that time of year when holiday tunes ring forth from every store, elevator, playlist, and television show. “Over the river and through the woods,
Just Shut UP Mark Twain was a man of many (often acerbic) words. One of Twain’s quotes that resonates for me today is, “Never miss
We called them heroes – these people who worked beyond their capacity for months on end with no relief in sight. The flip side of ‘hero’ is a human whose life is out of balance, who is forgoing personal care and investment in relationships. The novelty of heroism has worn off. It doesn’t compensate for exhaustion, personal sacrifice, and frankly, lack of compensation for the extraordinary effort.
“Saying yes when no is the answer is a lie and you are the person that is telling it.”
Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life | Dolly