Caffeine & Industry Conversation with Mike Brewer.

Latest Blog Post

The Hidden Cost of Saying Yes: How to Reclaim Your Time at Work

Double-Loop Learning: Mastering the Art of Rethinking the Rules

Rushing Leads to Ruin: Why Great Leaders Trust the Process

Books by Mike Brewer:


The Daily Collective: 366 Meditations on Life.


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"I'm not mad; I'm disappointed."

Few phrases carry the weight of this one. It ...doesn't shout—it whispers, yet it stings more than anger ever could.

This statement is a reminder of unmet expectations.

RETTC has released an updated MITS data model to improve rental fee ...transparency, benefiting both renters and housing providers. The update enhances clarity and consistency across the rental process, leveraging technology to create a more transparent and cost-effective…

“Business can be transactional, relationships can’t. And when you build ...deep, authentic, meaningful relationships, the flood gates open ... you operate with soul.” - @JesseItzler #SKO25 #LevelUp


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Alina Johnson

Desire alone won’t get you what you want. You have to deserve it… 


Alina Johnson

Desire alone won’t get you what you want. You have to deserve it… 


Alina Johnson

Desire alone won’t get you what you want. You have to deserve it…