Business, Love, and Other Guts

In the beginning…

It began with strategy.  We set out to re-think our marketing.  Scratch that.  We set out to re-think Everything.  Our mission includes Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and a new website for the online world as well as other off-line ingredients.

So the first question was:  Who shares our passion and do we have the support we need to be successful? – Yes.

Here we go!

Our delectable combination…Business, Love, and Other Guts. (This combination is true for all our social media and other endeavors, not just blogs)


business: Apartments, the experience of


  1. People
  2. St. Louis
  3. Apartments (crucial that your business falls in the love category as well)

other guts: The fire in your guts that is dying to come out.  Passionate people with everything to say.

And then we blogged…

We selected Mills associates who are creative, passionate, and gifted writers – they all have a common b.l.o.g.  (Learn more about them here)  And then, we gave them the matches…

We knew we had a talented group of associates but our first blog posts were INCREDIBLE, and the next ones, equally amazing.  I feel like the best is yet to come!

Our quest is still in its infancy, but every day I am excited to see what we will ignite next.   Check out their work at

Tell us what you think!

Fabulous Mills Bloggers!

0 Responses

  1. The Mills bloggers are absolutely amazing – I look forward to reading the posts each day. These are people who truly love what they do!

    1. You hit the nail on the head Michelle! We truly do LOVE what we do…not only are we extremely passionate about our communities, we are equally as passionate about the subjects we blog about. I’m glad you will be reading our posts every day. We won’t let you down! 🙂

  2. Melissa

    You have really knocked it out of the park bring the team together. And, the team has really knocked it out of the park in terms of content creation and absolute energy!

    Looking forward to taking this thing to a whole new level in the weeks, months and years to come.


  3. I may be slightly biased, but I agree with Michelle. The posts are amazing, and a great start to this re-thinking Everything strategy. Everything has to start somewhere and having passionate people who have interesting things to share and discuss is inspiring and will serve to make this new endeavor that much easier.

    1. Thank you so much Jessica for adding to this story! We are incredibly lucky and strategic in that we have such Remarkable people who can make amazing things happen! It’s going to be a wild ride…