Apartment Marketing: Rooftop Advertising with a Twist

A couple weeks ago I had an owner bring up the idea of roof top advertising in exchange for a much need roof repair. The property in question is a vintage sixties with many of the original mechanical systems still in place. That is to include a roof that has more than maxed out it’s useful life. It’s a capital intensive site given it’s age and lack of any major rehab over the years.

We squeezed one roof into the 2011 budget but now that it has come time to consider doing it; we have to get creative. Enter the idea. The property sits right in the path of outbound flights from the Saint Louis airport. That being the case;  the owner suggested approaching big box retailers and or anyone else that would have an interest in sponsoring, in a sense, the roof replacement.

I’m certain it’s not a novel idea but it was novel to me in the sense of the trade exchange element. It goes beyond the traditional banner on rooftops that front busy arteries all over america. The type we purchase to push our lifestyle, specials and or availability. If done well, it could take a huge chunk of capital expense right out of our budget.

Cool or Cheesy?

Photo credit to: Advertising is Good for You

0 Responses

    1. MP!!!! Excited to see you chime in!!!

      I have my pre-order in for the Jeep Model of the Jetson car! Great point on the invasive nature of too many ads. I think the line was crossed when I ran into a TV above the urinal in the men’s bathroom.

      Have a compelling day!

  1. This is a brilliant idea Mike. Even if you get any type of reduction it seems well worth the exchange. What is the downside?

    1. I have to agree – and, I think there are more opportunities out there for like kind exchanges of goods and services.

  2. I think it very out side of the box and love the idea behind it. My community is also by the Air Port and a major interstate, I can see where something like this would benefit us because you can see our roof tops both ways. I seriously was thinking about seeing how I could use the roof top space for marketing before I even read this post. I think if this is pitch right from the start you can get a big time company to sponsor the progject. Heck even a roofing company might do it just to get the great advertising out of it.

    1. Jolene

      Thank you for adding to the discussion. That is the precise discussion we had this morning. There is likely a cutting edge roofing vendor out there that would at least entertain a discussion about doing it.

      Hope to see you back here for more discussion. Thank you for taking the time.

  3. If a company is willing to pay for the roof, why not?! You’re talking thousands of dollars saved! I do agree with Melissa…I can see it getting annoying if too many start popping up.