Apartment Marketing: Creating Community

Meet Lisa Zagoren – Property Manager at Mills Properties. She is responsible for the amazing and over the top performance of a 758 unit asset in North St. Louis County named Oak Park Apartments. This summer she has taken on the responsibility of producing a full on kids camp. She and her team are hosting twelve children from in and around the community and running them through all kinds of fun and educational activities aimed at keeping them off the streets and actively involved in her apartment community.

The camp runs daily from 9 to 4 and each of her team members to include herself are responsible for facilitating the activities. I got my first chance to observe the Kid’s Club last Thursday during a weekly site visit. At the time the kids were playing musical chairs and having a blast. The program goes beyond just having fun, however.

As you can see from one of the fliers created to promote the program, they are offering math, reading, language and arts, exercise programs, entrepreneurship training along with a host of other activities aimed at helping the children. Many of the educational programs are facilitated by four high-school students who also participate in the Kid’s Club. Their participation will yield them school credit for participating in a community service over the summer.

I had the privilege of meeting one young man who definitely exuded a community spirit. His firm handshake and confident demeanor assured me that he was aiming for a bright future somewhere in the world. It jazzed me to know – in the mean time – that he would be serving the Oak Park children this summer.

I got the real sense that this program is just the beginning of something of something really special as it relates to building community. And the marketing benefit? A whole host of kids and parents are talking about the Oak Park Kid’s Club and how cool it is…as such we will be checking in and reporting out often.

I’d be remiss to avoid sending out some major crazy cool – hat’s off to the Oak Park Team! Great Cause! And, thanks for rocking the house – always!

0 Responses

  1. This is a great idea to build a feeling of community within your property. It's a win win for everyone.

    Did she have to hire anyone else to help out with this program though? Being responsible for 12 kids throughout the day I'm sure doesn't allow you to do that many tours and marketing.

    1. Ryan

      Thank you for taking the time to comment.

      I will admit – it's a stretch for the team. That said, there are eight people that run the administrative side of the business so the stretch is not beyond their ability to serve prospects and residents alike. That is not to mention their time is being augmented with the high school volunteers.

      On a related note – the fire and police department took turns today showing off fire engines and police cars in addition to teach on fire and personal safety. It's been pretty cool thus far. We shall see how the balance of summer goes.

      Thank you again for dropping a line – it means a great deal.

      Take care.


  2. Wow, this is a great story of how those people who are committed to having an actually community vs. just a living with each other can make a difference. You can drive around to many different apartment complexes and its boring and nothing is going on. This is great. I hope many others read this article and actually decide to do something within their own apartment communities.

    1. Jordan

      Thank you for the very kind words – the team at Oak Park is massively involved in creating community – it's the real key to keeping the place full. At 758 units things can spiral pretty fast so to the extent you keep the masses participating – it's a good thing.

      Our next big adventure is a community garden – stayed tuned as we think it will be big at this site.

      Thanks for stopping – always open to feedback and conversation.


      1. I did this same type of programing at an affordable community in Denver and it was hugely successful. I would love to exchange ideas and programing contacts if you wouldn't mind. One of my best contacts was the state 4-H Extension of Office. We started and Urban 4-H program to address At-Risk-Youth. Please let me know if you are open to visiting about this further. Maureen- The Foothills Apartments 303-781-0952.

  3. Wow! I can completely see why you would be so jazzed about this community. I will throw my hat off as well to this team. It's refreshing to see effort and that extra step to make a difference. With this kind of program the Oak Park team has certainly done that.