That is the question Eric Wu posts on his blog. In Eric’s words RentWiki is “…peer recommendations on where to live.” See the entire post here.
I am excited to see this platform in action as I think Eric and his team really took the time to do this right. The look, feel and usability of the site is clean and simple.
I really believe this concept will ring true with consumers and with enough buzz RentWiki could become huge in the way of rental search. Just last week I was eating lunch with an industry vendor and brought up the subject of peer recommendations and how I thought RentWiki was a site to pay attention to. The response was fair and respectful with a kind of wait and see flair to it. I didn’t really push the subject at the time and in the same respect I think industry players will need to pay attention. I am not advocating that RentWiki will take over the world but I am suggesting there is room for them at what is quickly becoming and overcrowed table.
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Hey Mike,
Glad to see this shout out for Eric and his team at RentWiki. I had the pleasure of meeting with Eric by phone last week, a great guy with some pretty innovative and progressive ideas. He and his team are undertaking a pretty daunting task. In my opinion, the consumer, the renter is ready for the change. The challenge is getting our industry leaders to believe and allow feedback, both positive and negative to flow, and actually engage in a conversation. I sometimes wonder just how afar the mark and behind the times our industry really is and what it will take to turn things on its head.
Hi Mike and Eric
Thank you both for the kind words. Sorry about the link (
I always appreciate your insight and highly value your advice. I agree that one of our biggest obstacles will be adoption from the industry. Conversely, our hope and vision is to provide the content that will help renters identify the right area for their lifestyle. As we continue to work hard to improve our product and service to renters and property managers, I would love any and all feedback from more industry thought leaders like you two.
Thanks again for the shout out! Chat soon.
Thank you for taking the time to give some further insight on this one. Eric B. you are 100% the consumer is ready for it. I heard a line in a movie once that went like this, “you don’t have to believe it for it to be true,” so true in the world of permission marketing and peer recommendation driven business. What I mean by that is this, the major players can passively vet or worse yet, cognitively deny the effectiveness of this model but it does not move it out existence. Like my friends at lunch that day – wait and see. Trust wait and see is here and now.
Eric W. – You have an amazing platform that I can only imagine will morph into a compelling offering for rental owners across the grid. I look forward to seeing in action.
Have a great night and look forward to an insanely great week to come. M
Look forward to checking out the new website. Nice article on RentWiki