Can you call it engagement if you buy it?
At the risk of sounding cynical – Engagement? Really? Over the last day or so I have read a number of news posts, blogs and
At the risk of sounding cynical – Engagement? Really? Over the last day or so I have read a number of news posts, blogs and
“If you don’t like change, you will like irrelevance even less.” – General Eric Shinseki When I think of ILS’s as we know them today,
Why would you not allow access? Why would you cut off the very essence of what defines Gen Y? I’ve tried to think through the downfalls and, there are some that have merit. But there are zero that would keep me up at night – that is provided our organizations guide the conversation.
I think this story in the Daily Egyptian has compelling opportunity written all over it – we shall see. *Now one might argue that it
Seth posted a great story today title Everyone is Clueless – the video is especially compelling and is laced with a ton of powerful business
I stopped Pete mid speech and said, “you’re not a Pariots fan, are you?” He said, “You’re damn right I am, let me tell you a funny story.”
Don’t tell prospects and residents how much your apartments are – tell them how much you are moved by the neighborhood.
How about we call this Creating Experience by Walking Around [CEWA]. The real key to remember here is that you are not your customer and in order to understand your customer you must engage and participate with them.
Forrester’s Josh Bernoff, the co-author of the highly-acclaimed national best-seller “Groundswell,” will be the featured presenter at a free interactive webinar on Thursday, September 17, 2009 2 PM EDT/11 AM PDT.
The more important point here is: how do we increase participation to an Amazonish or iTuneish type level?