Get Social with Mills: The Journey Begins
It’s official – Mills Properties is taking the plunge into new media.
It’s official – Mills Properties is taking the plunge into new media.
And, when he responded, it was with mindful thought in lieu of random generalness
I think many times in the world of new media it is easier to say just what is on your mind without being mindful of the long term ripple effect. It’s really very easy to sit behind a keyboard and rattle off thoughts that are no doubt driven by our emotions.
Use crowdSpring to outsource your community blog
Consumers in the age of new media have grown accustom to a very high set of standards that sites like; Facebook, Google and Twitter have imbued on their minds. At the core of these standards there are three apparent consumer behaviors.
“On days when workers have the sense they’re making headway in their jobs, or when they receive support that helps them overcome obstacles, their emotions are most positive and their drive to succeed is at its peak.”
Educate your consumer and they will come back over and over – We see examples of this all over the place. My favorite however is Wine Library TV – dial into the 3:50 min section of this video – it is the point. You get people to this and you are on your way to what I will end this series with.
Came across an interesting survey at over at emarketer that spoke to the want’s of social following. The results were captured in the following chart:
Great read over @BrianSolis’s blog this morning called The Predictive Web Really got me thinking about mediums like Twitter, Foursquare and the such. We already
…being amazed by particles of dust floating in the sunlight …putting your brand new clothes out the night before the first day of school …the