Photo by Tobias Bjerknes on Unsplash
On a bitterly cold day, a group of disciples huddled around a fire with their master, seeking warmth and guidance. Inspired by their teachings, one of the disciples declared that he knew exactly what to do on a freezing day like this: keep warm.
But the disciple had a more profound answer when pressed for further clarification. He said that if keeping warm wasn’t possible, he knew what to do, too: freeze.
At first glance, this response may seem counterintuitive or even defeatist. After all, shouldn’t we strive to stay warm and comfortable, especially on a cold day? But the disciple’s words hold deeper wisdom.
We are the Cold Day
In many ways, our lives are like that cold day. We may try to avoid or reject certain circumstances or experiences that we perceive as unpleasant or uncomfortable. But ultimately, these are just the present realities of our lives, and running away from them is like running away from our own feet.
On the other hand, we may try to embrace and accept everything that comes our way, even if it causes us suffering. But this can be just as futile as trying to escape it all. According to the second verse of the first chapter of the book of James, the author encourages his brothers to find joy in facing trials of different kinds, as they serve to aid our personal growth.
The Key
The key is to see, understand, and be at rest with the present reality, whatever it may be. This doesn’t mean we can’t take action to change or improve our circumstances, but it does mean that we can find peace and acceptance in the present moment. Reality is our chance to do a rep to become a better human.
The next time you find yourself on a freezing day, remember the wisdom of the disciples and their master. Keep warm if you can, but if not, try to freeze – to find acceptance and peace with the present reality.