Lenox Hill Docuseries

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Lenox Hill is a Netflix docuseries filmed in the hospital of the same name focusing on four doctors as they balance their personal lives and their dedication to their patients. The first eight episodes were filmed in this New York City hospital in 2019 and a final special episode followed the same hospital in the early days of the pandemic. It’s worth a watch. I recommend fresh tissues and a loved one to hold on to just that much tighter. Oh, and it’s medically graphic – so consider yourselves forewarned 
Personal Touch 
Some of the practices of the neurosurgeons are notable. Dr. Langer likes to personally prepare the patient’s head immediately before he operates. It is the last time he sees the patient before they are draped for surgery. He tenderly scrubs the patient’s head, marks the regions for the surgery, and is attached in a real way to the human on his table. Patients are incredibly vulnerable when undergoing surgery. Completely unconscious, with no control over environment or body, it is a frightening experience magnified by the seriousness and unknown outcome of the surgery. That simple act of the surgeon to acknowledge the humanity of the person in their care is huge. 
The next remarkable practice is a mindfulness exercise. Hospitals have checklists that require everyone in the surgical suite to acknowledge the planned procedures – patient name, age, condition, right or left side, body part, blood type, etc. Before the surgery begins, this team of neurosurgeons has everyone in the surgical suite stop everything for a moment of mindfulness. Close their eyes, roll their shoulders, wiggle their toes, practice deep breathing, and get centered before proceeding. In that moment of mentally coming together around their shared purpose something almost magical happens.  
In Service Of 
It made me wonder how that practice of mindfulness could be applied to our work in the multifamily industry. We recognize that thousands of people’s homes are in our care. Every team member in every seat in the company serves the people who live in the homes we manage. It is easy to forget that sometimes. And slowly the residents are viewed as the problem and not the reason. 
Daily Huddle Time 
What if every daily huddle across the organization included a moment of mindfulness to remind us why we are here? How would that sixty seconds a day change the way we engage in our work and serve our customers and each other?  
What things are you doing to ensure that your team is reminded of the people we serve? Share them with us below. 
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