What is Your Gut Worth

20130108-221033.jpgHow many times have you sat back and said, I wish I would have just listened to my gut? My guess is likely equal to the several times you sat back and said, I wish I would have listened to my parents, coach, mentor or other significant people in my life.


Can’t Keep it In

Like Cat Steven’s suggests in the first two lines of his classic – Can’t Keep it In:

Oh I can’t keep it in,
I can’t keep it in, I’ve gotta let it out.

Now – Cat was waxing poetic about a number of themes on arguably a number of levels. But somewhere buried in there, I think he was admonishing multifamily maniacs on the need to trust thy guts. His overarching folk music profession in Can’t Keep it In was for types like us to rock the multifamily universe with the one and only thing we truly own in this world. Our voice.

You’ve got so much to say, say what you mean,
Mean what you’re thinking, and think anything.

Catch a Tiger by the Tail and an Elephant’s Behind

I know a cool cat in the multifamily business that waxed a poetic line that has held true in my head:

I would prefer to catch a tiger by the tail than light a fire under an elephant’s ass.

The other Cats take on this:

You allow too much to go by, and that won’t do.

Translation: Stop – Stand Up – Trust thy Gut – Speak Up – Shut Up (with the bad gut negative can’t do attitude mucky muck) – And Go and Do

Guess what – it’s highly likely someone has that same thought and the same gut arrest that you have. And guess what happens when you don’t speak up in that situation – two or more people get cheated. You out of being a better person the rest of the group out of being a better group.

Your no stupid thoughts or questions in my book multifamily maniac,




0 Responses

  1. I will be honest it has taken me most of the day to figure out how to comment on this one. Logic dictates to be careful about gut reactions since my decisions can really have a profound affect on those around me. However I truly believe that life experience has paved a way to various “outer circles” so to speak to test items and see what kind of results took place. Many times going with my gut has also equated the need for great courage. The courage needed to drive me to the results I had foreseen. You get me thinking as always my friend. Thanks for the topic.

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