I heard a story this week (it was really a rant) about a broken system. The system existed between a project management team and an accounting team. As I listened (from a third-party removed perspective), it became clear to me that there was a fair amount of pre-work to include simple timelines did not exist.
Simple maps that memorialize the steps between inception and conclusion. Simple steps put down on paper that capture the essence of letting out a contract for work to be done and the follow through to completion and payment for that work.
In the absence of a simple timeline you get chaos. You get the finger-pointing. You get he said and she said and they said and we all said – time-sucks. It’s exhausting and it usually involves the highest of pay grades to solve.
Creating an Apartment Project Timeline
1. Budget
2. Bid work (even though you have a budget, do the bid work)
3. Make sure the money is there (remember your apartment community budget was written months ago – in some cases many months ago). If the property is not performing to budget – the project may need to be put on a shelf.
*Item of note – don’t skip #3, it is where 99% of the problems can be traced back to
4. Put together a simple vendor list – who is working on the job, telephone number, lead (accounting contact), roughly what they are to be paid and when
5. Host a project launch meeting (in person if possible, by phone if not). Invite the property manager, maintenance supervisor, every vendor involved and your accountant
6. Give a weekly check-in update (via email or by phone whereby the above team calls in)
7. Wrap it up – tie up the loose ends and deliver the product
8. Host a post-mortem for every project no matter the scope. This is where you create excellence. Set the stage for an unadulterated conversation and tear apart the good the bad and the ugly of the project. Have your simple timeline laying in front of everyone and up on a computer screen for all to see. Have it set in an edit mode and change it (for the good) right there on the spot.
No system is perfect but every system should be evolving at all times.
Your counting on simple timelines all the time multifamily manic,