stock.xchng  is by far and away my favorite site to clip pics from for use in both my multifamily and Mills Apartments blogging efforts. I have used it in large part over the last seven years to bring a bit of visual appeal to my penned offerings and to enhance my SEO. I do wonder, however, if there are other options out there that are easier or better. 

In that same vein of thought; I am curious about the various methods of optimizing the pics for your blog. Do you upload into your respective blogging platforms gallery? Do you upload to Flickr or other photo sharing sites and then link back via URLs? Is there a best way? 

2012 is shaping up to be a big year of refreshment with a relentless focus on ease of use and rapid flow of actionable rehtoric and I am looking forward to running full blast into it. 

Would love to hear your thoughts on the subject of blog images. 

Your looking forward to 2012 multifamily blogger,