We have all been there; sitting around the conference room table discussing the latest property management opportunity, issue or otherwise and you just know in your heart of hearts that no one including yourself is saying the tough stuff. Just this week I posted over at propertymanager.com about courageous conversations and moments of truth. In my head, it is the only way to grow an organization.
I love the way Hugh captures it visually over at gapingvoidgallery
The sting of unspoken words gives cause for what Hugh calls, complete agreement. On the backside we have; 1. That is the stupidest idea I have ever heard. 2. That will never work. 3. I am doing my own thing. Or, worse yet – 4. I’m not changing a thing.
Take away: Don’t be “That Guy” or “That Gal” Instead be – “Not Afraid”
Silence or compliance cheats the group out of being a better organization and you out of being a better leader.
Your ‘Not Afraid’ Contributor,
0 Responses
I concur! As you know, I’m definitely not afraid to say what I believe in or if I think there’s a better way to do something. I have a hard time understanding the people that don’t speak what’s on their minds or just agree with the boss to be a “yes man”. That type of person is definitely not doing a company any good!
I must say, having worked with and for you over the past four years, you are a champion in this area! It’s one of those traits, I think, that you either have or you don’t. It’s not something that you can teach. Not easily anyway. I believe it is 100% part and parcel to the successes you and your team are enjoying at OP this year!!!
Thanks for all that you do – you truly rock!
Fantastic viewpoint that speaks to a huge topic. The ability to deliver ones voice is paralleled to the culture of corporate self expression. I have stumbled across too many poor souls who try to be the pioneers of change but through their hands up in the air after emotions of futility take them over. It’s a great message to continue to encourage and the industry will only improve if it has more people who are not afraid. Great post Mike
Too many people are sitting around that conference table trying to impress the boss by agreeing with them or just going with the flow of the group. There are not enough people at the corporate level with the courage to take a stand for something they believe in. Or heaven forbid, back a PM that might be struggling even when it’s not popular.
Exactly! I’m glad someone else has the courage to stand up and say what should be said. There are way to many “yes men” at the corporate level. 🙂