I have been thinking a lot about the words consumer, prospect and resident lately. It seems as we continue to scale our social being over the likes of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or otherwise; we become more human. [Read: open, sharing and personable to those we know and are getting to know] That goes for corporations as much as it does people.
Apartment Prospects
Prospects and residents are human beings and or people first. Think of it this way, treat them as prospects or consumers and you are treating them according to your needs. Turn that around and treat them as people or humans and you are treating them according to their needs. Up to this point a prospect has been thought of as a head on a bed, a occupancy basis point or a check in the bank – a person on the otherhand is thought of as someone who dreams of a place to call home; a place that he/she can be proud to tell their friends about and someone you can have a long term relationship with.
Who are you serving today? You or other people?
0 Responses
Good stuff Mr. Mike! Sometimes it’s the little things that can make a difference.
Well said Mike. Seems so rudimentary, yet can be overlooked if not focused on…..
You will definitely gain occupancy faster and keep your current resident base if you treat people like humans, versus a number. Well put MB!