Inspiration Outpaces Motivation: The True Catalyst for Change
Motivation and inspiration are often conflated but are as different as a spark and a flame.
Motivation is internal—fueled by personal desires and needs.
You cannot give it to someone; you can only hope they find it.
Inspiration, however, is external.
It’s contagious.
Motivation asks, “What’s in it for me?”
It’s transactional.
Deadlines, rewards, and fear often drive it, but those are fleeting incentives.
Motivation dwindles.
In your multifamily business, you can force someone to show up but can’t force them to care.
Inspiration asks, “What’s possible?”
It sees a brighter future, awakening something more than personal gain.
Inspiration sparks creativity.
It breeds passion.
It instills commitment.
It stirs emotions and gives people a vision they can believe in.
Unlike motivation, inspiration doesn’t manipulate behavior.
Trying to motivate someone is like pushing a rock uphill or walking down a sandy beach with a 50-pound weight chained to your foot—it’s exhausting, and the moment you stop, progress collapses.
But inspiring someone is like lighting a match near dry timber.
God bless our fellow humans in California.
It creates lasting energy.
Inspiration wins because it aligns with intrinsic values.
People work harder and dream bigger when they’re inspired—not coerced.
“You can’t force motivation, but you can create moments that inspire it.” – Mike Brewer