Our apartment maniac friend, Eric Brown, posted this yesterday. I have to say, I agree with the implication he makes and can’t wait to see what kind of feedback he gets. Great post Eric.
The one remark I would make is that something as simple as keeping the promises you make to residents, prospects and vendors is as valuable as the next new thing. One way to stay ahead of the competition is to make and keep promises to all of your constituents. Being different starts with being thoughtful and trustworthy. Both are worthy goals and game changers if executed well. Both play well and set the stage for Eric’s point.
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Thanks so much for your on going support and the mention of us, it is very much appreciated. You make an excellent point about promises, thoughtful and trust worthy. All are likely much more difficult to execute in a tough economy, which will, to your point create an edge for those brave enough to keep their word even when the message is difficult.