Sam Zell to use radio (is that still around) to revive newspaper (what’s a newspaper?)

This is one of two posts I am putting up. Disclosure: I worked for EQR for 9 years and love the company like no other. If not for personal reasons and provided my performance did not trail off I would still be there today.

I say that to say this, I believe in Sam and his efforts in real estate. He knocked several home runs in several segments of the market place and is now expanding his empire overseas.

But this newspaper thing. I have to say, it boggles me. Now we are turning to radio to revive newspaper.

We live in consumer controlled media environment with options and controls growing everyday and in every way. Guess what if I want to ignore you, I TIVO, I read RSS feeds, I listen to Satellite radio.

How is radio going to solve the newspaper problem.

Here is my suggestion. Get your Clear Channel execs to go live with 1000 Gen Y consumers and study how they interact with media.

By all means listen to what they have to say, watch what they do and by further means do what they say. Guess why. They are your consumer.

Consumers are not idiots anymore Sam, they are your fellow Zell’s Angels children and grandchildren and they don’t read newspapers.

Hey but that is just one man’s opinion.

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0 Responses

  1. Interesting… I didn’t know about or hear about this. I’m right there with you on your perspective. This is the same thing I have argued in my own business advertising. There are plenty of old school photographers who swear by the Yellow Pages. I just won’t do it.

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