LED lights in the multi-family space

Now that we have all rid our communities of the evil incandescent and installed the more environmentally friendly alternative florescent, get ready for LED. These bulbs are just plain sexier and to boot they last 50,000 hours, cost about the same as florescent and can be programmed to be cool when you want them to be cool.

I remember razzing my former regional maintenance director at a big REIT about this a couple years ago now. Jason, its time to make it happen. I think he thinks I am a cracked pot. (Or is it crack-pot?) I wonder about things like that. I digress.

This trend is huge and it is gaining traction. And, it is incumbent upon those of us in the multi-family space to take action! We, as a group, control a lot of light bulbs.

If you are looking for a way to be at least a little green then buy into this trend.

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