The Thereby Series: Are You Being Managed or Are You Leading?

High-maintenance people are constantly being managed.

Low-maintenance people take the initiative.

Leaders are low maintenance.

You are low-maintenance! 

The person who needs constant direction, reassurance, or motivation is not in control.

They are being handled, scheduled, nudged, and reminded.

Their energy is a burden on those around them.

They demand more than they produce.

They are vampires of time. 

The low-maintenance individual operates differently.

They see a problem and solve it.

They anticipate needs before they become issues.

They don’t wait for permission.

They don’t ask, “What do I do next?”

They make things happen.

High-maintenance people slow down an organization, create drag, and force others to compensate for their lack of urgency or ownership.

If you are constantly being managed, you are not a leader.

You are a project.

Leadership is a mindset, not a title.

It is about action, not waiting.

Leaders don’t need constant feedback to know they are on the right path.

They measure themselves by results, not by how often they are praised.

If you want to lead, stop being managed.

Raise your hand before someone has to call on you.

Solve problems before someone points them out.

Make decisions before someone tells you what to do.

High-maintenance people are replaceable.

Low-maintenance people are not.

The choice is yours.

“The person who waits to be managed will always be waiting. The person who takes action will always be leading.” — Mike Brewer

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