Stop Chasing Comfort: Growth Lives in Difficulty

Comfort is a liar.

The reality?

Growth is born from discomfort.

And James 1:2 prompts us to count it as joy! 

If you cling to comfort, you leave untapped potential on the table.


Because solving problems is like building a muscle.

And muscles only grow under tension.

Avoiding difficulty keeps you small.

You build the muscle to solve future problems every time you lean into challenges.

Success is forged in the heat of hard decisions, messy turnarounds, and complicated team dynamics.

Embrace this for all you will become while going through the hard stuff. 

Think of difficulty as a personal trainer.

It’s not here to punish you but to prepare you.

Guess what!

Avoiding the reps doesn’t stop problems from showing up.

It does mean you’ll be unprepared when they do.

Multifamily leaders who thrive are the ones who practice.

They look at every problem as an education. 

The world is their oyster as some say! 

They step into tough conversations.

They make the hard calls.

They embrace the confrontation others avoid.

They know every “rep” of problem-solving builds strength, clarity, and confidence.

Here’s the truth: difficulty creates leaders.

“The leaders who win aren’t the ones who avoid problems. They’re the ones who train for them.” – Mike Brewer

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