The goal of sales is not to persuade someone to lease from you.
It’s to find the ones ready to try something new.
Think about it.
The person in your leasing office isn’t there because they were “persuaded” by a clever ad or a scripted pitch.
They showed up because something in their life shifted: a new job, a breakup, a dream of more space, or the pull of a better neighborhood.
Your job isn’t to push them; it’s to understand where they’re headed and show how your community aligns with that path.
Persuasion creates pressure.
Discovery creates a connection.
When you approach sales as an act of discovery, you stop focusing on selling and start focusing on listening.
You’re not there to close a lease but to open a conversation.
That’s where trust begins.
Leasing consultants succeed by inviting.
When you ask the right questions, the right people will say “yes” without hesitation.
Here’s the truth: Sales is about finding kindred spirits.
“People don’t want to be sold. They want to be seen.” – Mike Brewer