Resist a Situation, Resist Your Destiny

Resistance feels like strength.

It’s not.

You miss the tide meant to carry you when you fight the current.

Resisting a situation is often an attempt to control what cannot be controlled.

That’s a losing game.

Destiny isn’t delivered in neat packages with bows on top.

It comes dressed in chaos, discomfort, and decisions you’d rather not make.

Know this, the situation you resist today might be the setup.

Resistance blocks clarity.

It blinds you to opportunities.

Worst of all, it wastes energy.

When you accept the situation, you don’t surrender to defeat.

You surrender to possibilities.

Only then can you see the doors that resistance keeps shut.

Action is the antidote.

Lean into the discomfort and work with the situation instead of against it.

Destiny doesn’t knock on your door.

Key Point: It pushes you out of the way until you recognize its hand at work.

Here’s the truth: you can’t change the cards you’ve been dealt.

But you can master the game.