The Power of Patience

Photo by Liam Simpson on Unsplash

M. Scott Peck’s story about learning how to fix things at age thirty-seven is a powerful reminder of the importance of patience in our lives. As Peck explains, before this experience, they had always struggled with minor repairs and felt frustrated and confused by them. But a chance encounter with a neighbor who told them, “That’s because you don’t take the time,” changed their perspective.

This experience highlights the power of patience in problem-solving. When we are in a rush or feeling overwhelmed, it can be tempting to give up or try to find a quick fix. But taking the time to focus and approach a problem with patience can lead to a deeper understanding and, ultimately, a solution. By taking the time to make themselves comfortable and slowly study the situation, Peck was able to solve a problem that they had previously thought was beyond their capabilities.

Peck’s story reminds us that patience is an important virtue to cultivate in our lives. It allows us to approach challenges with a sense of calm and focus rather than feeling defeated or overwhelmed. When we are patient, we give ourselves the time and space to engage with a problem and find a solution fully.

So the next time you face a challenge, try approaching it patiently. Take a deep breath, make yourself comfortable, and take the time to study the situation. You will be surprised at what you can do when you give yourself the time and space to focus.