Wake Up and Smell the Coffee Multifamily Friends

ACTION POINT: Next time you hear colleagues pounding the table for something that is yesterday’s news, find a way to tell them they need to wake up and smell the coffee. [Read Full Text Here]

The above Action Point comes from my all-time favorite Daily Reading Business Book, The Daily Drucker.


I’m optimistic that people in the Multifamily Space will take full heed to Drucker’s’s Message as we move into the total Digital Transformation of our business.

In the next eighteen months plus/minus, our systems, processes, disciplines, and routines will happen behind the scenes outside of the purview of our Team Members and our Customers. Many companies are already well down the path to Digital Transformation. The Digital Coffee Pot is brewing.

Many years ago, Bill Gates/Microsoft was on a mission to see a computer on every desk in the world. That vision gave way to Steve Jobs and others, putting multiple devices in people’s hands and pockets.

The next wave of tech will allow us, the Multifamily Community, the opportunity to remove every desk PC from every office across the country. There is no need for this tool as much of what our site team members do today can happen behind the scenes with the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence.

Seamless Business

The word Seamless or Frictionless will be the theme. Amazon’s click to buy is the best example of what I mean. Click a button, and your product shows up. There is an untold number of things that happen once you make that swipe, but you see none of it.

That day is here for the Multifamily Space. That day is now.

Wake up And Smell the Coffee

Old School mindsets have no room in the now of work.

If your mindset is to surround yourself with people that think your way (the old way), the new way to work will eject you – it’s that harsh.

I hope people see it, I genuinely do. It’s the one thing that keeps me up at night.

Your always ApartmentHacking friend,