Success is Built Sequentially

It really is that simple. Moreover and more important – it starts with Vision, Mission, Values.

It doesn’t start with systems and processes.

It doesn’t start with metrics, reports and spreadsheets.

It doesn’t start with dashboards.

It doesn’t start with strategy.

It doesn’t start with execution.

It doesn’t start with excellence.

It doesn’t start with perfection.

It doesn’t start with progress.

It doesn’t start with Rhythm.

You can’t fly to Hawaii without a flight plan.

You can’t build a house without a blueprint.

You can’t hit a target you don’t have.

And if you can’t afford to define the target then you have no business leading people.

If you can’t wrap your head around that – You are simply in business for YOU and YOURself.

Your hoping to get it right Multifamily Maniac,