Let me start by saying this arctic blast is for the polar bears. As a runner; I cringe every morning when my 5a alarm goes off. Just the thought of putting on three layers of running pants – two layers of long-sleeved shirts, two types of running jackets along with gloves a ski-mask and a wool cap – makes me tired. Makes me want to do some real-time communication (RTC) with the winter-master himself.
How do you like that for a transition?
RTC is not a new technology by any stretch and in the same respect I don’t consider it a mainstream business tool in the multifamily space. At least not as a sales tool. But that all may change soon.
Skip over here for a more precise definition. In the meantime – trust me, there are some extremely cool implications related to this technology.
It’s finally catching up with the visionaries.
Virtual Tour 3.14159265359
My imagination tells me that we will soon lead guided on-line demonstrations. Demonstrations that will include activities like swiping the screen to open doors to your clubhouse/leasing office, the front door of a model apartment, closet doors, appliance doors, cabinet doors, storage doors and the like. All the while a leasing/sales person engages the customer in a real-time conversation.
RTC will give both the apartment shopper and the leasing person the ability to control each others device. At least as it relates to the tour/demonstration. Want to hear jazz in the background as we walk – no worries. It automatically cues based on the persons listening preferences as shared by their iTunes, Spotify or other platform. Care to look at the pool, fitness room, etc – will do as directed by the shopper. A sort of pick-your-story-ending type tour.
Want to complete an application? Already pre-populated with Chrome like instincts and signed with any of a number of on-line signature apps.
Mark Juleen so aptly points out that the ILS is dying. He is right but not for long. RTC is part of the answer and the ILS’s will beat everyone to this point. Why? Dollars and Cents.
They just have to look at it from a different angle. Certainly not the Jeff Goldblum angle (although – he is cool). And not from the bickering like small children (see flier – funny but really?) angle (my click is bigger than yours).
Your looking forward to what will come of RTC Multifamily Maniac,
5 Responses
LOL!!! “My click is bigger than yours.” Fantastic!
My only comment really here is that the tech you are talking about will cost more than the majority will want to spend. Marketers for apartment are pretty frugal. I see a lot of money going into virtual reality as I watch the tech space. I’m not sold on it though. It could be one of the biggest busts in tech, but time will tell. I was wrong about the iFad. What I missed there is that it still appealed to the majority. Regardless of my opinion of it, more people found tablets to be simple and less expensive than a computer. That won! Simple and less expensive usually does. When and if the tech you are talking about gets simple and inexpensive your prediction could be right on.
Cheers my man!
Mike…love the tech angle, but you really think people don’t want to ‘touch and feel’ the place that will be their home? More often than not, when I was a leasing agent, folks didn’t even want to see a model-they wanted to see the actual apartment. You think that is really changing for the majority of apartment hunters?
Hi Holly,
Hope all is well with you!
I think that the more connected we all become; the more disconnected we will be. Let me use eating out as an example. Walk into any eating establishment today and look around. What do you see? People looking at their devices. Kids have a phone or a tablet to keep them under control. Parents are sucked into facebook or texting. No real conversation happening. Nothing of substance anyway. They are completly disconnected from reality.
I think that will carry over to all facets of life at some point to include looking for a place to live. No touching and feeling necessary or wanted for that matter. I for one would love this because I don’t have to waste time traveling from space to space. And, I have a real disdain for salespeople. I imagine this technology allowing me to opt out of talking to a salesperson; if I so chose. That said, I know I’m likely in the minority on this. But – hey, every majority starts with a minority…
Should be fun to watch.
Agreed-It is going to be really fun to watch the evolution of sales over the next 5 years. You bring up an interesting point about avoiding sales people that we as marketers need to bee keenly aware of the fact that *we* are now ushers the customers further and further down the sales path {road to the sale}. Marketers are morphing into those salespeople you distain! 🙂