It’s all about under the stove and behind the fridge

I am one of those inspect what you inspect types. And when it comes to unit turns; I expect absolute excellence.

Fresh paint without shading, streaks and missed cuts is great.

Clean carpet is great.

Clean windows on the inside is great.

Clean counter tops are great.

Clean light fixtures are great.

I would even go so far as to say that clean thresholds are great.

What is excellent? 

Pull out the broiler or storage drawer of a range –

Pop the top of a range

Take out the electric burners drip pans

Pull out the fridge and inspect the sides and underneath

Did the painters paint the wall behind the fridge or just far enough down that you would not notice otherwise

Open the fridge and run your finger through the plastic seal

Run your hand under the lip of the range hood

Pull the stove out and inspect the sides

Run your hands along the top of the blades on a fan

Are the windows clean on the outside

Are the mini-blind cords untangled

Do the vents have 20 coats of paint on them

Are the screws on switch plates and outlet covers turned to 6 and 12

Are door hinges covered with 30 coats of paint

Run your hand along the top of the light fixture in the bathroom

Pull the crisper trays out of the fridge

We Care

I like to scream! Not in that way… I like it when the quality of our product screams loud. So much so that anyone that moves in is so excited about the experience – they do nothing. They just enjoy. I consider that an awesome-over-the-top-success. If they happen to call and applaud our efforts; I consider that a grand slam in the bottom of the ninth to win the game. It’s stand on the rooftop proclaiming the awesomeness of the team that created that experience kind of stuff. It’s #gameon.

Your get your #gameon Multifamily Maniac,