Multifamily Education

I often liken the world to a gigantic hotbed of education. And to boot, one of my favorite conversations in the multifamily space leads with the statement, “You have to look at every single thing that happens to you as a chance to learn something. It’s the world’s way of preparing for a conversation you will no doubt have down the road. It’s your testimony. And it’s steeped in the real world.

It’s not some fly-by-night-flamboiant rah-rah cheerleading consultant flavor of the month rhetoric.

No – it’s powerful I am in your shoes so let’s rock this thing together right now kind of stuff.

Your job – everyday of the week – is to explore the education being offered to you by the world.


While I am not a church going type – I do love a good sermon. Not the dull put me to sleep bible thumping get it right or else type. No I like the hell fire and brimstone type. The type that makes me walk of the building on fire for the next lesson that life has to offer me. But it goes beyond the message. It’s all about the person delivering the message.

If the preacher is straight-laced never steered left or right of center in their life – count me with the group that is checking email and passing text messages off to the person sitting next to me.

If the preacher is a recovering addict (insert your choice of vices here) – I am all in and all ears.

You see that guy gets me! Period.

Back to the Point

If you embrace the education and you see it as a way of building up your character; somewhere down the road you will sit in a position of awesoemness. Don’t trust me on this; trust the words of the great poet – T.S. Eliot

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

As a leader in the multifamily space; you will no doubt sit in this place one day. You will be the service supervisor, property manager or regional manager that spent time in the trenches. And because you explored the lessons the world taught you along the way – you get to give your testimony to those that follow. And because you have grown as a person and a professional – you will be seeing it for the first time. That is #rockyourworld kind of stuff. Gives me goosebumbs as I write it. Whoa!

Your forever looking for the lessons that life has to offer Multifamily Maniac,


0 Responses

  1. Obviously there are many many reasons why I like this post. Education comes from so many sources. You just need to open your senses and absorb the world around you.