Everybody wants what everybody wants

Makes a ton of sense doesn’t it?

I read somewhere that Wal-Mart hires people during the holidays to sift through DVD bins that are strategically placed in main isles. This creates a sense of want and need among consumers. In other words; if I think I am missing out on something special then I will join in the madness and buy.

Apartment translation

While I would not advocate hiring people to clamor over specific apartments; there is an apartment version of this concept. How about it; is anyone doing something along these lines?
Mills has a building in downtown STL whereby we are trying to create some version of this. We are building out a co-work space and study-room directly across from the leasing office. The spaces are divided by a lobby entryway that also plays host to the elevator and mailboxes. The theory being that potential residents will enter the lobby and see activity in the two spaces (if we design the right). This will incite the buying vibes well before we move to introductions and demonstrations.

You’re thinking about how to apply this Multifamily Maniac,


0 Responses

  1. I love this.

    So true, people flock to crowds. I know when I see those DVD bins, I want to get those Walmart associates and start organizing!!!

    Using it in multifamily- why not convert a leasing office to segments of floor plans available to lease, and have weekly events? This way we are not wasting space and getting use out of it. One things for sure, you’ll always have an apartment to show 🙂

    1. Obaid,

      So right! The inner-organizer just wants to take over. I love the floor plan/office idea a ton; I’ve seen it work in the condo sales space.

      Take care; I hope your day rocks!


  2. Mike-

    I think the leasing office conversion to actual apartments would be a great idea too.

    Wanna start our own company? I think our ideas will take us through the success roof, ha!