Degrees of Truth

Customer experience is huge in any business and anymore, we have to blow people away. We are in a constant ebb and flow of attitudes, behaviors and the such.

One incident can literally define us in the eyes of many (be it true or not). The power of negative experiences on the Internet today can tank every ounce of progress we make trying to keep our communities highly occupied.

It’s critical to make sure your team understands that every action counts; every ticket, turn and customer interaction counts – tenfold.

We have complete control over the experiences we create each day and at times we fumbled around and blow it. We hand residents every opportunity to smash us openly and loudly.

Now, I know every dissatisfied resident story has two sides but my experience tells me that there is a degree of truth in both. It’s that degree that gets me.

Care About The Degrees of Truth

Ignore the rest….

Your caring about the degrees of truth Multifamily Maniac,