Walk the Talk

Some of my best conversations in the multifamily space have come during long strolls around a property.

In between inspecting curb appeal, common area space and apartment units I have the best conversations.

I make it a point to talk about desires and ambitions. I make it a point to talk about motivations. And I make it a point to talk about personal lives; that is birthdays, babies, anniversaries, struggles and opportunities.

I believe in my heart of hearts that taking the time to talk to people is what makes any business successful.

The overarching point however is that those conversations are best done when walking. The coolest thing about it is that people don’t tend to have their device in hand. They don’t have a computer in front of them and they don’t have the never ending stream of interruptions coming in and out of their offices.

When you schedule your next meeting; incorporate a walk. Get out of the office. #thrive

Your walk the talk Multifamily Maniac,