Overworking MultiFamily

I think there is a flaw in today’s definition of success. That flaw is believing that just working more is the way to exceptional results.

Always on doesn’t translate to peak performance; it rather leads to overload and burnout.

I often get site team members asking for permission to get email on their personal devices. I respond by suggesting that giving them the ability to check email at all hours of the day and night is the greatest white-collar crime of all time. (Disclaimer: I don’t respond the same way to corporate team members – but I should) It’s highway robbery. And it does nothing for productivity over the long haul.

Think about this for your respective teams. Don’t them access to their inbox on their personal device. It’s not good for them, it’s not good for you and it’s not good for business.

Your rethinking overworking Multifamily Maniac,


0 Responses

  1. Spot on pal!!! A work life balance is so amazingly critical. With all of the big items happening at TTF I find myself feeling the burnout phase coming on. We need “off” times. It is the rejuvenation cycle we need to crush what we do!

  2. Hey Mike,
    I get your point, but I think it is way overrated and requires discussion, otherwise it is glossed over. The issue you refernce isn’t about technology, it is about culture. Someone helped someone think and feel that they need to be On Call 24/7 which = Flawed Culture. Being on call 24/7 is wrong thinking, but more it is wrong living.

    The mantra should be creativity, build stuff, create things, be better, do better, all of which is rarely (speaking for me) done within the crazy time constraints that the Establishment created, so limiting staff to only be on in the times we “establish” is also flawed. Create a culture that IS always on, Is always open, ready for the creative juices to plug into and thrive on those off times when the creativity flows. That is much different than being on 24/7, most emails, most voice mails, all the crazy things that trip folks up do not require a response at 10:00 PM.

    Get the culture right, and very few company leaders do, everything becomes supercharged, including Right Living.

    1. Hi E – Hope all is rockin’ in AZ!

      I 100% agree with creating a culture that embraces and promotes creativity and bold action and bold failure. A culture whereby people spring out of bed in the morning because they can’t wait to get to their theater! They are ready to act from the time they push the eyelids up.

      Rock the week good sir.


      That said, there is a percentage of the population that is very task oriented – and that is okay – that feels the need – hell, even desires the need to tick things off a list. And email on their device is just another way to tickle the need. And there are companies – as you imply – that will take advantage of that.