Intuition and Hiring

Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve been pressed to hire someone to fill the key role? And without fail it is never at the right time. Is there such a thing as good timing when it comes to filling a key role? Or any role for that matter?

As Multifamily providers, we have all been there. And we’ve all acted too swiftly at times.

Do you want to know why we do that?

Simply put; we ignore our gut. And I’m not talking about that little bit of waistline that you wish you can get rid of with a bit of exercise and healthy eating.

No I am talking about that deep-seated innate feeling you get when something is amiss.

I’m talking about intuition. But we have a problem.

There are two things working against our ability to tap into intuition today;

1. There is so much noise in the world today and that makes it very hard to listen to your intuition much less trust it.

2. Multifamily starts. That is to suggest that as more and more units get built in the marketplace; the more opportunity presents itself for Multifamily Talent.

Both present very strong headwinds as we head into the next 3 to 5 years.

Keep your gut strong.

You’re being mindful of intuition Multifamily Maniac,