Fostering Multifamily Growth

growth2We grow to the extent that we are around those who will foster our growth. (Period.) – Tom Peters

If you have ever given second thought to how you got to where you are today; I have no doubt the quote above has resonance with you.

I would go so far as to say that without some key relationships in your life you would not be either the person and or the professional you are today.

The key being relationship.

A good solid relationship is developed over time and requires a great deal of reciprocating effort on the part of the people involved.

It’s the hardest work you will ever do in your life. In the same respect it’s the most rewarding work you will ever do.

What are you doing to foster growth? What are you going to do next week? Monday?

Your planning my week in the context of fostering growth Multifamily Maniac,