The New Content Creator

Is my strong belief that any new hire that comes to work for a property management company in 2014 and beyond be a producer of content.

In addition to

I think leaders must continue to reorganize the way work is structured so that every person from Porter to President has time to create content.

Content can range from “a day in the life of” to the intricacies of how to set up financing for a Multifamily Property acquisition.

I’m not suggesting that you shouldn’t hire for competencies related to running the day-to-day activities of a property. You should hire for that. But, in addition, hire for bringing your business to life through meaningful content creation.

You’re – on a mission to find content creators – Multifamily Maniac


0 Responses

  1. I’m on that mission with you. I’d love to see more content creators. You hire them and I’ll get them set up to create some content.

  2. It’s more than just a content creator. In the same way that a good salesperson can sell anything to anyone, I don’t want someone who just creates content because it is part of their job. I want someone who creates content because their passion about people, customer service, our company/apartments, and personal drive creates compelling stories that are just dying to come out. They provide an experience that not only propels them to write/tell others about it but also the customer. I want to hire people who want more than just a paycheck. Creating content will come easy after that. It is our job to build the company that provides the experience that draws that person.

  3. 2013 left me completely exhausted and drained. I ended December with brainstorming ideas on how to make things simpler from a marketing perspective for me and my team. I had this block in my brain that it was always 400 words or bust for anything I did. That has changed and I am ready to start telling the story in a much simpler and shorter way. There is so much of a story in what we do each day. Time to up the transparency. Thanks for the post sir.

    1. JS – you rock – my man. I totally get where you are coming from. Brevity and Clarity are my new favorite words. It stuck me recently that I don’t read 400+ word articles anymore so why would I take the time to write one. Not that I discount the value of a well written and well thought out article – I do. It’s just not how I take in the bulk of my input. It’s snippets and soundbites. We will see how it goes.

      Hope all is well with you! Let’s rock 2014!

  4. SPOT ON Mike, And until this changes, Social Outreach Results for apartment operators will suffer