Residents, Prospects and Vendors Alike: Bring us Your Problems


Seth Godin shares a gem of a piece on his blog today. It’s titled Bring Us Your Problems.

Anymore we all have multiple avenues for customers to bring us their problems. They can call, email, tweet, message, post, etc.

Different Approach

What if you stuck a huge call to action box on your landing page right above the search for an apartment box? Title the box: Bring Us Your Problems.

Open it up to anyone to send their problem. No matter the nature.

Noise or Opportunity?

I think it’s worth the time to try it.

Your driven to massive experiments in 2014 Multifamily Maniac,


0 Responses

  1. This could create a new position as well for someone who could control the “problem box” and control who each item goes to. Great idea. This could alleviate email management for the executive staff, but hopefully for them to realize that vendors make their money by getting contact with the appropriate people who execute the use of their products. Maybe the appropriate person would be contacted more with this solution as well.