Healthy Wealthy and Wise

Tap into any one and or all three of these themes in 2014 and you will see major success.

Incorporate health into your apartment marketing efforts.

Incorporate the creation of wealth into your apartment marketing efforts. And I don’t just mean money.

Incorporate personal mastery into your apartment marketing efforts.

People innately want those things. But they’re not willing to work real hard at it. If you can create scenarios that help people create efficiencies around these areas of life then you will rock 2014.

You’re looking to be healthy wealthy and wise Multifamily maniac,


0 Responses

  1. Hi Mike, This post really rang true with me…I have incorporated a fitbit into my daily life now along with my normal workout regimen. Staying fit does help a person not only physically but in their mind to keep it fit as well. There is something to be said for being accountable for your health goals, as it makes you accountable for your work and personal goals as well. The fitbit is great because it holds me accountable as an accountability buddy would. I think our industry is starting to recognize health more as we move forward. I’m willing to be an accountability buddy for anyone who needs one. Happy New Year!

    1. Tosha

      Thank you for taking the time to chime in – I really appreciate it. I love all the stories I read and hear about fitbit. As it relates to the topic at hand – maybe our PM friends can hand them out as renewal gifts or new move in gifts and start a movement! Happy New Year to you as well.
