The Anti-Pushy Sales Approach

Today’s guest post comes to us from Crystal Gluszek over at ZenRoommate.

Be Unforgettable

In my 15 Years of Multi-Family Management I have perfected what I like to call the “Anti-Pushy” sales approach.

I tour my clients like a best friend who is visiting from out-of-state. Not only do I show features and benefits of my community I also sell “that” feeling.

The feeling that I want them to live here but I don’t need them to live here because I am cool, confident and secure that my sales approach will close the deal.

I even like to add that “we don’t use any high pressure sales techniques here, because we don’t have to” which by proxy says that communities who do…need to for some reason and it’s not good. (Insert diabolical laugh here)

I feel the bond between the client and myself being made and I know that they’ll sign the lease now or be back tomorrow.  I send a quick follow-up asking about how their cat or dog feels about the apartments they have narrowed down.  Maybe even say “Fido called me and wants to live here” so I add a sense of quirkiness to what can be a mundane process and this becomes my approach.

I tell my agents to stay professional and stay fun and create an experience. After all isn’t everything we do about creating an experience your clients will relate to being home.

So my message is Be Unforgettable.

Crystal Gluszek

Zenroommate.Com Co-Founder and Multi-Family Fanatic


What we do is simple. We help you search for roommates using several different areas of compatibility, providing the opportunity for a more streamlined match.

We also allow Landlords and Realtors to list units that would be perfect for a roommate setting; condos, rooms for rent, house shares and more can be seen by people who may have an interest in filling that vacancy.


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