Property Manager: You Really Taught Me a Lesson

Mike brewer from describes common senseHow many of you can identify with this one? You stand your ground over the $4.37 Mr. Moore from apartment 23 owes on his account. You make calls, you send letters escalating in tone with each stamp you stick. And you blow up his email all in the name of getting him off your delinquency. You need to prove a point to Mr. Moore from Apt 23; he is really getting on your last nerve.

You are Really Teaching Him

You think you are doing a good thing by teaching him a lesson. You are the big bad property manager sheriff in these here parts. And people are going to comply or get out.

Well guess what – Mr. Moore is not going to learn that lesson. No – instead he is going to teach you a lesson. One that comes in a stealth package. One that sneaks up on you like that older bully brother of yours did when you were kids. He is going to pounce in the name of a notice to vacate (NTV).

Oh – he will pay the $4.37.

My question – was it worth it?

Your have some common sense Multifamily Maniac,


0 Responses

  1. Hi Mike,
    I once had a Resident who could never make it to the office and kept carrying a $5 balance, so I paid it for him and sent him a note that said “I thought I’d let know that I understand how busy you are so I paid your small balance. Just do me a favor sometime and do something nice for one of your neighbors!” He did! He came in and told me he helped the downstairs neighbor carry in her groceries. I asked him if it made her happy and he said he thought so. He never ever left a small balance unpaid again and I figured it was a good five dollars well spent. Haha!

  2. Love it!! I used to be the big, bad property manager (years ago) and I too, learned my lesson. I wish I would have thought like Mindy at the time! Great post…memories. 🙂

  3. One of your best Mike! We once totally cleaned up our delinquent list by clearing the small balances and sending letters to all of the guilty residents letting them know that we forgive them these small amounts and that’s all! The reality, is that if someone owes a small balance, it’s likey a result of their move in pro-rate and it was “our” job at the time to look closely at the check they handed us to make sure it was for the correct amount. BTW, I will definitely be sharing this post! Have a fantastic Friday!

    1. Becky

      Thank you. It is the simple things sometimes.

      Really enjoyed our meeting the other day. I’m hoping to dig into CallMax a little more over the weekend.

      Thanks for sharing. Really appreciate that.

      Take care and have a compelling weekend.
