Monitor Your Employees’

Taken from the Jan ’13 issue of JPM –

a new concern among property management companies is how (if at all) they can monitor their employees’ social media activities to insure that those employees are neither spreading bad press about the company, nor behaving in a way that reflects badly on their employer.



Here’s why:

1. Your community (other employees) will call out the idiot fringe

2. The people that want to do business with you have good idiot meters (aka: BS meters)

3. Don’t give them reasons to be idiots – chances are if you or your company is trying to hide something – you need to be outed anyway

4. Respond – be a part of that conversation. Be courageous in those moments of truth.

Your who cares about the idiot fringe Multifamily Maniac,


0 Responses

  1. Well said Mike. Honestly when I
    read this headline I was a little scared but you are totally right. I don’t
    think that companies should be trying to lock down their employee’s freedom of
    speech. Honestly it would be impossible to control the social media and those
    that do try to control it just look like the big bad wolf picking on little piggy’s. So instead of trying to blow the social media
    house down, they should use it as a foundation to build upon new ideas and

    1. 100% agree. I think companies should harness the power of the people that work for and with them. And Social Media gives them an excellent opportunity to do so.

      As always – thank you for taking the time to add value to this conversation. You rock.

  2. Even if employees sound off, for the most part it is illegal for an employer to take action. PM companies need to be fully educated on what is and what is not against the law. From a principled standpoint I agree with your thoughts in this post. Be part of the conversation and the issues will be less.