Apartment Signage

Instead of threatening to fine the living day lights out of a resident that violates the dog poop law – try this.


0 Responses

  1. lol I dont think this is the most effective method. I think we would have a lot better luck in this area if we just added more trash cans on property (regular cans not dumpsters). Who wants to walk half a mile carring dog poop.

  2. It doesn’t matter with the signage. People are going to do it regardless. It’s called being lazy.

  3. Good idea…I would hope that those with a concience would think twice! Gotta keep trying anything and everything. I once called each and every resident (with a dog) directly and spoke to them asking them if they are picking up after their pets and if they know if their neighbors are as well. It worked for while, I think just hearing a human voice put a bit of the guilties on them. LOL