

Are you the kind of apartment community that people would go out of their way for? Would they demand to live there at any cost?

Are you the kind of property management company that any client would demand to have you represent them?


If you want that then be this – picky. Be picky about alignment. Be picky about who you align yourself with. Be picky about who allow your company to get align. Be picky about the ancillary service companies you align yourself with. It all matters.

Your being more mindful about who and what I align with Multifamily Maniac,


0 Responses

  1. I think aligning your business
    with other creditable resources/professionals can only make your property stronger
    and have a well-known reputation. I
    think that a lot of times in our industry Managers take bids and then choose
    the lowest one to save on cost and then don’t thoroughly research the business
    and its reputation and this is a mistake.
    In today’s society there are so many people that are in business for
    themselves and probably shouldn’t be and so in result shaky business deals are
    made. What happened to quality of
    quantity? It is the same for customer
    service we want to give our residents a quality experience not just a brochure
    and a hand shake. I think it’s also
    important to align your property with quality residents. I find a lot of the time there is a strained
    focus on occupancy so we try to get anyone in the door. I think that leasing consultants should have
    more discretion in approving residents.
    I have had clients that meet all the requirements but just there manor and lack of responsibility in the
    application process makes me not want to lease to them because I know that they
    are going to move in and then stop paying rent.
    Or I have had clients that qualify yet also look they are a drug addict (showing
    signs) but I have to lease to them even though I know that, that resident is
    probably going to scare away other good residents. I am very aware of fair housing and still
    deliver excellent customer service no matter what my opinion of the person is,
    but isn’t there a way to keep the yahoo’s out?