360 Review

One of the most valuable experiences of my professional life was when I participated in a 360 review. In short, it is a feedback instrument that solicits opinions from the people who you lead, the people who you lead with and the people who lead you.

It presents the tough stuff – that stuff you innately know about yourself but never dig into.

It peels back the layers of the onion so to speak.

The biggest thing it taught me is that property management people want to hear the tough stuff. They want to be led. Mind you – they don’t want to be told what to do – they want to be led, inspired, pumped, stoked, jazzed and blown away with aim.

They may not like what you have to say but they want to hear it. They may push back (form of validating it for themselves) but they want to believe it.

This is the premise (building block) for the next chapter of their lives.

Hit Me

For the last eight years this blog has been the place where I work through my thoughts, ideas, whims, rants, musings, predictions, grammar and spelling practices, concepts, visions, innovations, accusations, deviations, etc.. In short, it’s been for Me.

That said and in the spirit of 360 – I invite you to give me the good the bad and the ugly. Right here for the world to see.

Is the blog relevant?

Does it spark your interest?
Does it give you pause?

Does it leave you wanting more?

Do I post too often? Not enough?

Do you want to see more real life application?



This is not for my ego – it’s for my getting better at serving up stuff that you can care about, act on and break yourself against.

I am open – and trust me, I have very thick skin.

Your love feedback as much if not more than results multifamily maniac,



0 Responses

  1. I enjoy reading your blog posts because you often say something others don’t, such as asking if leasing commissions should go away. I am still mulling that over even though you posted that several days ago. I did a 360 review once but found that several higher ups in the company could not give me any real feedback because they never left their desks (except to go out to the golf course) and I did not appreciate what amounted to non-feedback. I did appreciate the feedback from the onsite team though.

  2. MB!!! Your blogs are definitely relevant and always leave me wanting to read more. I always look forward to receiving my email from M Brewer Group and sharing my thoughts as well. You hit on the hard topics and I admire that. I’m known in our industry for speaking my mind and that sometimes gets me in trouble, but in my world, I believe it’s the right thing to do. If noone presents the “tough stuff”, how on earth are we supposed to change things for the better? Great post.
    Starbucks? 🙂

    1. I am glad that you introduced me to Mike’s blog I like commenting on the topics and I have never really been a big Blogger. I also like to speak my mind, and as a new emplyoee, I like giving suggestions on things that actually will have an effect on my job. ( which also gets me in trouble sometimes too 🙂 )