
If you become someone who is uncomfortable unless he/she is creating change, restless if things are standing still, and disappointed if you haven’t failed recently, you’ve figured out how to become comfortable with the behaviors most likely to make you feel safe going forward. – #sethgodin – The Icarus Deception


I don’t know about you but I get restless more than I care to admit. I think life should be moving along a lot faster than the borderline meaningless tasks that I partake in. I catch myself – more times than not – thinking about how – in the bigger scheme of things (read: cosmic sort of stuff) – half the to-dos I am asked for are just nonsensical. Add $5 bucks to this line item, take $40 off that line item, add a period after this comment or that comment, use affect instead of effect or reword this because it does not fit my view of the world. Nonsense.

What matters in our business? The perfect budget. Not in your lifetime. The real deal is – people. The real deal is – relationship. The real deal is – collaboration. The real deal is – synergy. The real deal is – character. The real deal is getting cool stuff accomplished. You can’t capture that on a spreadsheet. Never. But, guess it – that is what matters most. Financiers, bankers, hard money, investors, etc.. – makes not the difference. I get it – you are analytical. But spreadsheets don’t get business done – people do. Proformas don’t make it happen – people do. Data entry doesn’t make it happen – building energy does.

The Mark of a Leader 

Recognize when the natives are restless. And, get the nonsense (as they view the world) out of their way.

Good business happens by default when your business serves the people who are serving it.




0 Responses

  1. Love this. Hate budgets. I read a Fast Company article recently that made a lot of sense – It talks about Intuition being the most undervalued asset in business. I agree that budgeting and other data (and sentence structure :)) is a necessary evil, but not when it starts to interrupt the customer experience, associate happiness, and innovation which I think it far too often does. It is a shame that so much value is held in that area when the focus should be doing everything we can to be remarkable in our space. I think owners and the like forget how much customer experience impacts that bottom line number they are so highly concerned with.

    Great post Mike!

  2. All the reasons I didn’t fit so well with the corporate life and get fired by clients more than I admit. That said, having a hold of the wheel is a better and much more exciting life.

    2013 is laced with opportunity, one just needs to push back the fear and step forth,