Rented an Apartment Lately?

When was the last time you went out and secured a lease on a new apartment?

How Do They Feel?

I think it should be standard issue that every single person that works for your company goes out and leases an apartment,  soup to nuts – President to Porter. Not a secret shop – call is a secret rent an apartment experience or what you will. This is real-time. Lease one from your very own portfolio and lease one from your closest comp. I am talking the whole nine yards. Go through the process of searching online, pick up a magazine, drive by or ask a friend. Choose a community or two to visit, walk in and go through the process. Have your checkbook or money order in hand and lay down a deposit. That is if you like how you feel.

Who is They?

So to answer the question above – they is the people who are walking through your door every day of the week. And, understanding how they feel should be top of mind, tip of tongue and everything you think about, dream about and are about. And what better time to get that feeling than now. The only way you can truly serve the people who serve you (monthly rent checks) is to really get in their shoes. Really understand the process they go through. Really understand how they feel. Now that sounds like a challenge.

First One is on Me

If you work with me at Mills and you are reading this post – I will pay the deposit and the app fee for your first secret rent an apartment experience in exchange for the lessons you learn. That is to imply that you have to come back and do a guest post for me detailing what you liked, disliked and what you will change about your business as a result of the experience.

Hit me with a comment below and we will make the arrangements.

Your looking forward to how you make them feel multifamily maniac,


0 Responses

    1. Michael
      Really appreciate the kind word. I hope we get some feedback on it.

      Hope your weekend rocks! Take care and thank you for taking the time to chime in. Really appreciate it.

  1. I love this idea!! I’m with Michael…I can’t wait to see the follow up articles on this one!

  2. Wish you would have posted this 2 weeks ago when I was renting my new apartment. Alas, the app fee and deposit have already been paid, but I will take you up on the offer for the guest blog post.

    1. I knew you were moving so I purposefully delayed posting this. 🙂 – Kidding aside, I appreciate you making the offer to write a post – I’ll be really interested to hear your perspective. Especially as it relates to bettering our business.