It is another Multifamily Monday! And, it will likely be a crazy mad rush to get things addressed that came in over the weekend. In that mad rush of things to-do, don’t forget to foster a new relationship.
What to do Daily
Who could you reach out to today that would help your business down the road? A local community center? A local boys/girls club? A local restaurant? Any local business owner? Think about the eco-system that exists right around your community. The eco-system that is an extension of your community. Think about how you can create real-ationships with those people. Real – built on help them with real issues and problems they may have.
Don’t Ask For Anything in Return
Call anyone of these people up today and ask them what their number one problem is. Don’t try to solve it over the phone but do try to understand what it is. And, ask if he/she minds if you take a stab at offering up some solutions. Then take time during your weekly team meeting this week to brainstorm with your team. Come up with ideas that would be valuable to that owner. Then package those solutions in a brief, call ahead and then deliver via email. No strings attached.
Do it again.
Your reaching out and providing value to your extended community multifamily maniac,