We Care

Have you checked your commode room (restroom) (bathroom) lately? I have this saying about the subject of curb appeal – curb appeal runs curb to commode. And, that commode includes the one in your apartment business office as well as the one in your display and or vacant ready to rent apartments.

The little things are the big things all the time.

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How do I do that? What is a WE CARE message?

Simply put – pay attention to the details. Invest in the minors so that the majors take care of themselves. Get relentless about your curb lines, curb paint, grass, weeds, landscape, beds, mulch, tree suckers, faded paint, rusted BBQ grills, piled up rocks (no matter how small they are) in your parking lots, cig butts, trash (no matter the size or level of gross), door knobs, clean windows, crooked door numbers, broken door casings scratched up striker plates, marred tile floors, stair kickers, thresholds and so on and so forth…

Get the team around today and stress the details. And, don’t tell me it’s summer and there is/are to many other things to attend to. It’s precisely the right time to run a drill and stick a friendly reminder in the minds of those that serve the ones that pay for a tip-top experience.

Your trying to stay cool in #STL multifamily manic,