The Renter’s Voice

Update: TRV responded to my questions via email and agreed to let me post them here. 

Checking out The Renter’s Voice this morning.

Bullet point thoughts thus far:

1. Listings powered by an ILS – does that mean you have to do business with the ILS, Ellis or Renter’s Voice? If so, bunk.

TRV: No you don’t, many of the listings will begin with the robust content from a large content source – – so helps jump start a positive review platform.   

2. I see zero activity thus far so hard to form an opinion about it. Even the listings in the side bar on the left seem plugged. When you click on them and go to the actual review page, it is void of the aforementioned review.

TRV: It will take time to build the reviews as with any web presence.

3. Not sure how managers can/will respond or participate (see point number 1)

TRV: Joanna Ellis is working with the PMC companies on building this review site for our industry.   It is an open forum for renters to share experiences about apartment living.  Over time, there will be other opportunities to use reviews for marketing in the apartment space! 

Build Your Own Mouse Trap

I am still a firm believer that apartment management companies can build and equal if not better mouse trap right on there own website.

Ratings and reviews are a driver of business – no doubt. But, not if you have to pay to participate.

Your always wondering about the definition of advertising partner multifamily maniac,


Some Feedback from Twitter –

0 Responses

  1. Renter’s
    Voice leverages data from multiple sources into one single site. All
    content is moderated to ensure data is relevant and objective. The goal is to
    have balanced feedback, allowing the renter to make an informed decision.

    1. Joanna

      Thank you for taking the time to add to the conversation. Quick question of clarity. Will you be taking the data from the additional section of your shopping report and sharing that on Renter’s Voice?

      1. Only with the written consent of the property management company, we will share the data from the Customer Experience section of their shops. Let me also reiterate that this content, as well as responses by the PMCs and all other content posted to, will be moderated prior to posting.

        1. What will be the criteria for moderation? Is the same person doing all the moderating? Seems to me the more unadulterated the review – the better. Not a big fan of moderation with the exception of name people specifically and character bashing.

          I do love the idea of sharing the information from the CE section on the shopping report.
          Could I, as a client, take that data and use it on my own website if I build out ratings and reviews as a piece of our experience?

          1. All
            content goes through 3 iterations of review before being posted to Renter’s
            Voice. The objective is to keep the content relevant. The data we provide
            clients through their shops is theirs to use at their discretion.

  2. I’m surprised they are asking age and marital status as part of the submission process (although it is optional), couldn’t this pose Fair Housing issues?

    1. Andrea

      Thank you for stopping by. Hope your weekend is off to a good start.

      You raise a good point. I’m not certain (given the option) if it’s a fair housing concern.

      Maybe we will get someone from the company to chime in on that point.

      Take care, and stop by any time. We love the feedback.
