Sell Inside Out

Good apartment selling is an inside out job. The better you are inside the better you sell to people seeking to experience apartment living. When you are amiss on the inside your sales suffer on the outside. Some can pose their way through a bad day here or there and still others can do it through a near term set back. But, over time if you don’t get the inside job fixed, your outside will follow you down.


What do I mean by Inside? It boils down to the C-word. Yes – Character. Character demonstrated thoroughly by actions that relate to trusting self, respecting self, being fair to self, discipline to self, caring for self, being responsible to self and giving of self.


Guess what happens when you really give two shakes of a lambs tail – all of the things you focus on inwardly manifest themselves outwardly. And, when you are in the business of sales, it helps you move relationships from creation to transaction with agility and ease.


In the cutting words of Gary Vaynerchuck – CAREGary likens this to building an audience – I would encourage you to liken it to building – YOU.

Have an amazing and over the top week.

Your always looking inside to better the outside multifamily maniac,



Pic props to Shawdow